Monday, August 30, 2010

6 Months Old!

The day we flew home, Madison hit the 6 month mark! Its crazy to me how fast the time is going! We had her check-up a couple days after we got home and she weighed in at 19 pounds, 3 ounces (95%ile) and is about 24.5 inches tall (50%ile). That's my girl! She is sitting up all by herself these days with only the occasional tipping over and that's what she wants to do all day long! No more laying down to play and she would rather be sitting than be held a lot of the time too. She is waking up a couple of times a night now, so now that we're home and getting adjusted, its time to start doing some sleep training because I know she can sleep longer than this! Her bottom two teeth are just about to poke through...any day now they should appear! We have started some solid took her a while to be interested in them, but in the last few days she has really started to eat well and seems to finally enjoy the food!